

Governance and data quality

Risk management and internal control

Policies and Claims

Third-party valuation

Internal audit




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Qualitadd Audit ©

Qualitadd helps you manage your internal audit processes

Thanks to its platform bringing together all the risk reference frameworks (risk, incidents, internal control, compliance, business continuity plans), Qualitadd provides internal auditors with a 360° view of risk areas across entities and processes, enabling them to target their assignments more effectively.

Qualitadd, support and safety

Once the tool has been deployed, we support users to ensure rapid adoption. Our solutions are adaptable to all business lines, promoting a common language within the company. We develop security tools to anticipate internal vulnerabilities.

Customisable governance

We can adapt to any size of business, with a wide range of functionalities for monitoring and assigning rights to users. Our fluid user interface encourages collaboration, simplifying governance activities.

French leader, sovereign technology

Qualitadd, a French 100% publisher, offers a national framework for hosting and development. Our solution is the only one on the market to link data governance natively with risk management, audit and internal control activities.

A connected, sustainable and scalable solution

Our tool can be integrated into any information system using a variety of connectors. The Kafka collector agent can be installed quickly, in less than an hour, and ensures the security of data flows on SSL, ISO27001 and HDS-certified French servers.

The new generation of Internal Audit solutions

Triggering ad-hoc audits

Internal auditors need to be able to quickly initiate and efficiently carry out ad-hoc audit assignments in addition to planned and recurring audits. Whatever the nature of the assignment, Qualitadd makes it possible to implement and carry out all types of audit, capitalising on past assignments to save time.

Management of assignments, findings, recommendations and action plans

Qualitadd Audit © is a component of the Qualitadd platform, designed to facilitate the creation and digitised management of internal audit processes.

List and schedule of assignments and conclusion of the audit

Report basis with single form per report

Recommendation sheet

N/N-1 comparison

Action plan sheet with priority level, effectiveness and state of progress

Assignments, findings, recommendations and action plan


History of notifications and import/export exchanges

Industrialise at your own pace with over 40 native connectors and APIs available

| Outlook plug-in

Accessible directly from Outlook to encourage team buy-in

| Documentary database

One-stop sharing and backup centre for your documentation

| 100% Multilingual

Available in English and French, with optional support for all alphabets

| News

Keep up to date with the daily regulatory news that concerns you

| Online help

Provision of a personalised, functional and technical guide

| Educational videos

Customised one-minute sequences for all your use cases

| Dedicated support

Single point of contact from 9am to 6pm by telephone and 24 hours a day by e-mail

| Satisfaction

Regular user satisfaction surveys

| Qualitadd Login

Keycloak authentication server providing secure authentication (OpenIdConnect/saml) with the option of interfacing with the client authentication server (ldap-saml-oauth2-openidconnect...).

| Qualitadd Elastic Search

Enables you to carry out a fast, high-performance, precise search

| Qualitadd Connect

Allows you to easily connect external systems to our solution (Api - Database - ERP). We offer various asynchronous/synchronous connectors that are easy to integrate and can collect and process thousands of pieces of data. We also offer a "Swagger" documentation package that documents all the end-points offered by our Api in case the customer needs to use our apiRest.

"Following a call for tenders, we selected Qualitadd's GRC tool. The platform is sufficiently adaptable to enable us to deploy our risk and control management system. The ergonomics and ease of use of the solution were also important factors in our choice of tool. Other criteria, such as the possibility for Qualitadd to respond simultaneously to other future needs of Carac, via its offer on governance and data quality, or third-party management, and whose themes are intrinsically linked to risk management. Finally, its ability to innovate by offering AI-based functionality that piqued our interest."

Jean-Ludovic AUDET - Risk Management Officer in Carac's Risk and Modelling Department

Towards an efficient, connected system

Modules that digitalise the internal audit process

Qualitadd Audit © is a comprehensive tool that supports the entire internal audit cycle, from planning audits to identifying findings, making recommendations and implementing action plans to improve your company's management and operations. It offers a digitised approach to simplify and optimise the internal audit process.

Census of internal auditors

The tool enables information on all the company's internal auditors to be gathered and managed.
This can include details such as their roles, skills and responsibilities in the audit process.

Setting up workflows

It can be used to create automated workflows or processes to guide and monitor the various stages of the internal audit.
This may include defining the responsibilities of each auditor, the necessary approvals, etc.

Audit schedule

The tool makes it easy to create and manage a calendar for planning future internal audits.
It allows you to track audit dates, themes and associated deadlines.

Identification of findings

During each audit assignment, the auditors identify findings, i.e. observations or problems identified during the audit.
These findings are recorded for future review.


For each finding identified, the tool allows several recommendations to be attached.
Recommendations are suggested measures or actions to resolve problems or improve processes.

Share plans

In response to the recommendations made, action plans are drawn up.
These action plans describe the specific steps to be taken to implement the recommendations and resolve the problems identified.

Internal audit

Qualitadd Internal Audit ©

Internal audit

Qualitadd Internal Audit ©

Digital management of internal audit processes

Management of Missions, Findings, Recommendations and Action Plans

List and schedule of assignments and conclusion of the audit

Report basis with single form per report

Recommendation sheet

Action plan sheet with priority level, effectiveness and state of progress


540 excl. tax/month

Our use cases

Read what our customers have to say about the use cases successfully addressed by our digital solutions.

Our publications

Our digital solutions are based on our proven expertise, which we share through our publications and feedback.

Need more information? Get in touch with an experienced contact
